An artist sits on the floor curled into himself surrounded by darkness. A triangular yellow light shines above him to show a wall of drawings of happy characters

Between developing my portfolio and skills and looking to the future, I’ve had to be honest with myself a lot these days. It’s made me think about how as artists, we really need to look within ourselves to find what we want. Sometimes half the battle is just getting ourselves to accept the truth. Maybe we run from it because we’re scared or we don’t believe in ourselves, but finally coming to terms with what you want and who you want to be is so freeing. Your best work will come out of it!

This post goes pretty hand in hand with my 11 Tips to Overcome Art Block post. If you struggle with imposter syndrome, fear, your own feelings, being kind to yourself, or if you’re dissatisfied and wanting to bridge the gap between who you are and what you create, you might want to continue reading. I'm going to talk about my own journey grappling with these things in hopes that it might resonate with someone who needs it.